Category: Uncategorized


Halo Halo Psych Bike Jam This past weekend we jammed with our friends at Halo Halo Village in a one-day-psych-bike-factory-marathon. Psychlists, juice, chunes, colour, flavour, homies, footballs, sun tan lotion, Bluffs, shiny things, ponies scraping away time. Top 3 Functions of a Psych Bike: 1. Anti-Theft Who needs a a lock that costs more than their beater

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Drake, 40, Aaliyah & Mangopeeler ‘I love the third world influence in your art.’-Drake When people are sleeping, we are working. After working a late night in the studio, who would have expected I’d be chilling with Drake and 40?!?!??! After getting a message from Drizzy that he wanted my new Aaliyah Kaleidoscope T-Shirt, I

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Change I did my first dirty laundry load of the year today. I put in $1 to to get four quarters of change and got back a shiny Toonie instead!


Prince Enoki’s Insect Orchestra I flew with an arkestra of insects this past weekend to deliver the printed pollen to Prince Enoki in the beautiful Keswick, Ontario. Prince Enoki’s Insect Orchestra is the musical projectile of the mighty Scott Peterson and posse. Thanks so much Scott for the weekend of clarity on the beach, it

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Exploding Motor Car

My friends are the most talented people I know. I’m proud to be a mechanic on this Exploding Motor Car. I remember back in the day when we were in my parent’s basement in Mississauga dreaming of projects to work on together…. SKYBEACH Exploding Motor Car crew makes a fashion film! That’s right, hawt threads.

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epoy, how did you get your hair so big? I am an island wanderer and bricolage provocateur. My process involves the collecting, sorting and patterning of found ephemera. I am currently working, living and learning in Toronto, Canada.


Drake, 40, Aaliyah & Mangopeeler 7.27.2011’I love the third world influence in your art.’-DrakeWhen people are sleeping, we are working.After working a late night in the studio, who would have expected I’d be chilling with Drake and 40?!?!??! After getting a message from Drizzy that he wanted my new Aaliyah Kaleidoscope T-Shirt, I booted over on my psych bike. We

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‘Ten Twenty Four’ Stan Krzyzanowski’s Residency

at The Earth Ship from December 1, 2010-???? Hosted in collaboration with Jeff Garcia Also appearing: The Cone Wall The Cone Oscillator Flip Books exhibited in the micro loft gallery Also in progress: HTML Decay The Kitchen Time Lapse The Sink Sync The Cone Oscillator above the toilet The Cone Fan in the Shower Limited

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Toronto Essentials

24 Hour Loblaws Survival Guide 101: Listen, you’re an artist, you’re broke and you live near the Junction Triangle hood. Secret: Everyday around 7:30-8pm at the Dupont and Christie Loblaws they start discounting all the pre made food at %50 off. Walk away with the steal, save your pennies and leave FULL. Bricolage Provocteur Tour

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